Why 2022 is the year to get your paid social advertising right

Posted on
January 26, 2022

Social media has undoubtedly been on the rise since the pandemic's start back in 2020. As of October 2021, Facebook alone averaged 2.89million active users¹, representing a massive opportunity for eCommerce businesses worldwide. The term 'active users' is vital here as that relates to the number of people who interacted with the platform in the previous 30 days. 

Whether it's scanning through a feed whilst eating breakfast, catching up on activities at lunchtime or even relaxing with a glass of wine scrolling through your profile in the evening, checking social media is a part of daily life for most people. In terms of business opportunity, this increase in the reliance on digital activity also relates directly to consumer spending, with two-thirds of shoppers² making their purchase decisions via social media platforms. 

At Kopa Marketing, we are advocates of a balance between organic social activity and paid, as both go hand in hand to achieving a dynamic strategy. Paid advertising is essential from an outreach perspective as it helps expose a brand to an audience that will likely be receptive to it. Our paid ads expert, Stella, believes this will be more of a strength in 2022 as social platforms use enhanced mechanisms to improve audience targeting. For companies, this means targeting the right audience is more achievable. When combined with a series of organic posts that resonate personally, a consumer can quickly be converted to being a loyal customer. 

Getting the proper interest for your brand is most easily achieved through paid spending, as you can ensure all of your budgets are being used to contact those who will be most receptive. Of course, understanding your target personas is key to this being a success. 

Long term customers are also essential but so are new ones. An opportunity to market to an extended base of personas is offered with each new sale. Paid ads allow you to nurture new sales whilst your organic activity looks after your existing clientele. This means you can be focused on both types of interactions with the same amount of attention being provided to both. 

Finally, with so many brands and products around, competition will inevitably be high. Ensuring you have strong customer funnels to convert and re-engage customers is an essential task within 2022. If you are not constantly in the face of your audience, you run the risk of being left behind. 

Kopa Marketing was actually founded out of a genuine passion for helping small businesses translate into successfully competing in big markets. If you think paid advertising could help your company, but you don't want to waste your budget on the wrong campaigns, please contact us today.

¹ https://www.statista.com/statistics/264810/number-of-monthly-active-facebook-users-worldwide/ 

² https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/08/27/how-shoppers-are-using-social-media/?sh=48590fa672eb

Posted on
January 26, 2022

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